Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

This is a beta site, please be patient

TucsonCitizen.com Readers:

This is a work in progress.

We could have waited weeks to go through testing and work out bugs and glitches before launching the new TucsonCitizen.com but every day we waited and were saddled with the legacy Citizen site that was built for a daily newspaper we lost momentum and readers.

So we decided to put up a bare bones site now and work on making it a well-designed, highly functional first-class web site later.

Our hope is to have the first version of the new site completely redesigned by the end of June, if not sooner. In the meantime, we will begin having about a dozen new bloggers and a few existing bloggers who are migrating over to our site begin posting as early as tomorrow. Some will begin later in the week, some next week.

We hope to have several dozen people blogging by July.

We ask your indulgence and patience while we work on the site. If you have particular problems or run into glitches trying to use the site, e-mail either Mark B. Evans, mevans@tucsoncitizen.com, or Ryn Gargulinski, rynski@tucsoncitizen.com, and we’ll have the IT team take a look at it and Ryn or me will get back to you.


Mark B. Evans, Editor

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