Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Have your say on regional transportation spending priorities

Pima Association of Governments is seeking public input on its five-year transportation improvement plan, called the TIP.

PAG and the RTA affect more lives in the region all the other governments do individually. This list accounts for more than $1.5 billion in transportation spending over five years.

Be sure to have your say. Here’s the PAG press release:

3 open houses offer public chance to be heard on proposed transportation improvements during next 5 years

Residents, businesses and the general public will have the opportunity at three upcoming open houses to share their thoughts about proposed transportation improvements in the region over the next five years.

Starting March 7, Pima Association of Governments will host the open houses for public review and comment on the proposed regional transportation improvements that start construction or design in the next five-year period. The value of the improvements identified within the FY 2012-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is approximately $1.5 billion.

The open houses are scheduled as follows:

  • March 7, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., Joyner Green Valley Library, 601 N. La Cañada Drive, Green Valley
  • March 8, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Randolph Clubhouse, 600 S. Alvernon Way, Tucson
  • March 9, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Foothills Mall, in the Food Court, 7401 N. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson

The proposed transportation improvements are part of PAG’s federally mandated capital improvement program. A subcommittee made up of PAG’s jurisdictional members updates the TIP annually.

The TIP identifies priorities for national, state and local roadways transit or bus services; aviation, bike and pedestrian facilities as well as programs such as ride sharing, VanPool and Safe-Routes-to-School.

The TIP document provides a general description of the projects, available funding sources, the agency implementing each project, and a general project schedule.

The TIP includes projects funded through the Regional Transportation Authority plan, which Pima County voters approved on May 16, 2006.  The $2.1 billion RTA plan will be implemented over the next 15 years.

The draft TIP document will be available for review online at www.pagnet.org, and at several locations starting March 4:

  • Pima Association of Governments, 177 N. Church Ave., Suite 405, Tucson
  • City engineers’ offices for the cities of Tucson and South Tucson, and for the towns of Marana, Oro Valley and Sahuarita.
  • Pima County Department of Transportation Administrative Offices at 201 N. Stone Ave., 7th floor
  • Tribal offices of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Tohono O’odham Nation
  • All branches of the Pima County library system

The TIP is scheduled to be presented to PAG’s Regional Council for final approval at its May 26 meeting, which will be held in the 5th floor conference room at 177 N. Church Ave. The meeting is open to the public.

For more information about the TIP, you may call Tim Thurein, PAG’s TIP Coordinator, at 792-1093.

Pima Association of Governments is comprised of local, state and tribal governments with a mission to build consensus among its members and the public on regional planning for transportation, air quality and water quality. PAG’s staff gathers and analyzes data, provide accurate information, and coordinate an open and cooperative planning process to promote good decision-making for the region.

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