Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Authentic Irish pub’ brewing in Geronimo Hotel

Mass production has hit the Irish pub, and Tucsonans soon can experience it in The Auld Dubliner.

The Dubliner will be in the heart of the University of Arizona student population – in the old Geronimo Hotel at University Boulevard and Euclid Avenue.

Based on the Web site description of its other locations – Squaw Valley and Long Beach, Calif., and Lake Las Vegas, Nev. – it will be an “authentic Irish pub . . . imported directly from Dublin, Ireland.” That is, all of the interior and exterior parts are designed and built in various styles and themes of the “Irish Pub Concept.”

The Dubliners are operated by The Ol’ Irish Pub Company, with offices in Dublin and Wellington, New Zealand.

Ol’ Irish designs and builds Irish-style pubs, bars and restaurants worldwide. It is affiliated with Guinness PLC – yes, that Guinness, which developed the concept in Ireland to help people open Irish pubs overseas.

Renovations are still under way on the Dubliner’s future digs at 800 E. University Blvd., Suite 104.



See the Tucson location of The Auld Dubliner under construction: www.aulddubliner.com/Tucson/index.html

The Auld Dubliner: http://aulddubliner.com

The Ol’ Irish Pub Company: www.olirishpubs.com

Citizen Online Archive, 2006-2009

This archive contains all the stories that appeared on the Tucson Citizen's website from mid-2006 to June 1, 2009.

In 2010, a power surge fried a server that contained all of videos linked to dozens of stories in this archive. Also, a server that contained all of the databases for dozens of stories was accidentally erased, so all of those links are broken as well. However, all of the text and photos that accompanied some stories have been preserved.

For all of the stories that were archived by the Tucson Citizen newspaper's library in a digital archive between 1993 and 2009, go to Morgue Part 2

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