We asked Citizen staffers to recount their favorite Simpsons episodes or lines. Their responses:
Mike Truelsen
Body Plus editor
“Homer’s Phobia” – John Waters, best guest star ever. Great line – Bart to Homer, Moe and Barney, who are taking him hunting to “straighten him out”: “Something about a bunch of guys alone together in the woods . . . seems kinda gay.
“Stark Raving Dad” – Michael Jackson, second-best guest star ever.
Dina L. Doolen
Taste Plus editor
“Flaming Moe’s” from the third season, which was a great parody of “Cheers,” complete with theme song.
“Selma’s Choice” from the fourth season, when Patty and Selma take Bart and Lisa to Duff Gardens to see what it would be like to have kids. After the experience, Selma decides she’ll just adopt an iguana.
Michael Caccamise
copy editor
“Lisa on Ice” provided such classic lines as:
Ralph: Me fail English? That’s unpossible!
Homer: If the Bible has taught us anything – and it hasn’t – it’s that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such.
Geoff Grammer
high school sports editor
“Here’s to alcohol, the cause of – and solution to – all life’s problems.”
- Homer Simpson
Rogelio Yubeta Olivas
Calendar Plus editor
“Homer Goes Gay” always cracks me up. Homer moves in with a gay couple after he and Marge have an argument.
The three go to gay nightclub One Night Stan’s and the thumpin’ music overtakes Homer. The dance floor clears as he boogies his way to the center. He then strips off his shirt and starts shakin’ his thang. He even bends over and slaps his ample bootay. That’s when a butch-looking woman in the crowd looks at her friend and says, disgusted, “I didn’t think it was possible, but watching him makes me even more lesbian!”
Dave Petruska
copy editor
My No. 1 would be 1995′s “Homer the Great” – which features Homer’s desperate attempt to join the Stonecutters – because it is such a wonderful satire on fraternal organizations and because of Patrick Stewart’s hilarious guest-starring role as Number One.
My favorite lines come from 1992′s “Homer’s Triple Bypass” as Homer and Marge explain Homer’s upcoming heart operation.
Homer: Kids, I have something to tell you.
Marge: Oh, Homie, I don’t know. This might upset them.
Bart: Nothing you say can upset us. We’re the MTV generation.
Lisa: We feel neither highs nor lows.
Homer: Really? What’s it like?
Lisa (shrugging her shoulders): Eh.
Dalina Castillanos
Calendar Plus intern
This one’s tough. I’m going with “Homerpalooza.” Homer becomes a sideshow character for Hullabalooza and gets to meet bands back stage: “Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.” “Homer Simpson, smiling politely.”
Alan Fischer
staff writer
The “Cape Fear” redo (“Cape Feare”) where Sideshow Bob was the evil protagonist. It was the perfect takeoff and very well done. And “Bart the Daredevil,” when Homer tried to fly across a canyon on a skateboard and failed miserably.
The multiple impacts as he hit the other side and bounced down (with appropriate grunts and noises) were great. I think he even fell out of the ambulance at the end.