Scores of Tucson Unified School District teachers laid off for next year, their students and other supporters are expected to attend Tuesday’s board meeting.
It will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom of the district headquarters, 1010 E. 10th St.
On April 3, the district gave pink slips to 560 certified employees – mainly teachers – and 65 administrators, mostly assistant principals.
Officials said next year’s reduction in force is based on a worst-case scenario of state cuts of $45 million to TUSD for fiscal 2009-10. They hope the situation is not that bad and that many of those employees can be retained.
At the meeting, the board also will hold a public hearing on a state performance-based compensation plan for teachers.
New principals will be appointed for next year for Soleng Tom and Vesey elementary schools. Tom is one of the district’s farthest East Side schools, Vesey one of the farthest West Side ones.
The board will hear updates from staff members on budgets for this year and next and boundary changes for the next school year.
Before the regular meeting, the five-member board will conduct a closed session at 4 p.m. to discuss:
• continuing efforts to be removed from the district’s 30-year-old court-ordered desegregation
• student disciplinary reports
• administrative appointments
• negotiations with employee groups.