Tyra Banks got Bristol Palin’s boyfriend, Levi Johnston, to discuss sex details of their love life in the Alaska governor’s home. It was a sad spectacle. By the end of the show, the only person in Alaska still innocent was Sen. Ted Stevens.
Fox News reported how some housewives are moonlighting as strippers due to the economy. Many of their families have no idea. The kids are never going to find out about it until their moms show up to pay the college tuition in singles.
North Korea launched a missile last week but once again failed to get a satellite into orbit. The missile flew 2,000 miles before falling harmlessly in the ocean. It was the third such result since North Korea declared war on Carnival Cruise Lines.
Donald Trump (right) warned the governor of New York that millionaires are set to flee the state. Gov. David Paterson wants a big state tax increase on the wealthy. There was a time when Trump would have worried about that, but he is in real estate.
The Treasury Department predicted better-than-expected tax revenues when returns arrive this week. The optimism is based on the recent uptick in the economy. Wednesday is National Tax Day, or as the Obama Cabinet calls it, Casual Citizenship Day.
GM and Segway are teaming aup to build a motorized two-wheeled car that runs on electricity and is equipped with global positioning. The two wheels are for maneuverability, the battery is for energy efficiencies and GPS is for notification of next of kin.
“Fast and Furious” had the biggest movie opening of the year. It has fast cars and huge trucks flying all over the road. Americans no longer fantasize about sex, danger or science fiction, just about high-powered engines and low mileage.
Cuba’s Raul Castro met with U.S. Congressional Black Caucus members. There are long ties between the communist party and the civil rights movement in America. Nobody was going to achieve racial equality by quoting 18th-century Virginians.
Iraq’s court reduced the sentence of the journalist who hurled shoes at President Bush. Throwing a shoe is a sign of contempt in Arab culture. Try to imagine hitting an iron shot to the green before the next group has putted out.
“The Today Show” got former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to talk about his sex scandal of paying hookers $4,000 per tryst. His rehabilitation is under way. Someday, he’ll tell his grandkids he did more than any other governor of New York to create high-paying jobs for women.
Argus Hamilton is host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. E-mail: argus@argushamilton.com