Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Napolitano to visit border to examine security

In another signal of increased attention to rising Mexican drug violence, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will return to the Southwestern border Wednesday to take a closer look at operations in El Paso; Columbus, N.M.; and Nogales.

Napolitano, the former Arizona governor, was in Los Angeles Monday to discuss security at ports of entry.

Napolitano announced a new series of border-security measures to guard against drug violence on March 24. She most recently visited the Southwestern border April 1 to 3, stopping in San Diego and Laredo, Texas, in conjunction with a trip to Mexico.

President Obama will visit Mexico later this week. From there he’ll head to Trinidad and Tobago for the Summit of the Americas.

Citizen Online Archive, 2006-2009

This archive contains all the stories that appeared on the Tucson Citizen's website from mid-2006 to June 1, 2009.

In 2010, a power surge fried a server that contained all of videos linked to dozens of stories in this archive. Also, a server that contained all of the databases for dozens of stories was accidentally erased, so all of those links are broken as well. However, all of the text and photos that accompanied some stories have been preserved.

For all of the stories that were archived by the Tucson Citizen newspaper's library in a digital archive between 1993 and 2009, go to Morgue Part 2

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