Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters: Displeased with White House Easter egg roll

If he were overlord, U.S. would be different

Cavorting on the White House lawn getting bunches of Easter eggs; never mind that Easter is past tense.

What a wonderful way to spend a Monday morning. Only in America. We are so lucky, so blessed. We survived George W. with a little help from the man upstairs.

The North Koreans continue their belligerence. If I were president, I would have ordered the Navy to shoot down the missile once it cleared Korean airspace.

Barack seems to be a most civilized man, but then civilizations have been waging war for thousands of years.

Cletis Harry Beegle

Animal farmer lays into unsafe-food claims

Recent headlines regarding another food safety problem really piqued my interest.

I’m 80 years old, and our family has owned laying hens for at least that long.

Every year without exception, the care of our hens and the safety and quality of our products has improved.

Contrary to what sensational headlines suggest, the nation’s food supply has never been safer. Farmers work with federal and state regulators to assure every precaution is taken, and U.S. consumers are provided with a cornucopia of safe, inexpensive and nutritious food.

With a population of 300 million, nearly a billion meals a day are served without incident.

As we celebrate our 65th year of producing food for the citizens of Arizona, I couldn’t be prouder of our progress.


Hickman’s family farms


Letter blasts paper’s printing other opinions

Re: Rep. Nancy Barto’s April 8 guest opinion (“Bill would guarantee that women seeking abortion get all the facts“):

I have visited your state many times, and never once have I seen Arizona women as the weak, unintelligent doormats Barto’s column describes.

There’s no evidence women are denied any information concerning abortion or that women are pressured into having one.

I presume the opposite, that most women are pressured to carry the pregnancy to term.

The 24-hour waiting period holds no advantage for the woman and only complicates the procedure for those with limited time to take off work.

Of course, to meet this problem, I would urge clinics to stay open later so such women are not unduly inconvenienced.

Ms. Barto needs to check her facts; no other elective surgery requires a 24-hour wait.

Ms. Barto is clearly against abortion and seems to have contempt for her fellow women.

That is sad, almost as sad as a newspaper that allows such prejudicial writings.

Would you have printed this if it said black women are incapable of making their own choices or are usually pressured into those decisions?

C. Peter Method

Indianapolis, Ind.

Universal health care has employer’s vote

As an attorney with a small practice, I need affordable health care for my employees.

Because I cannot afford to pay for our health insurance, I contract with my employees to work less than 40 hours a week.

Health care should be a right, not a privilege. The reform should consider private and public right to assistance.

Those who can afford private insurance should pay for more if they want it. But a temporary universal system of insurance for all should be a right.

In this economic environment, who is paying for private health care? One in 6 Americans is uninsured.

It is time for change. Put me down for universal health care.

Terrea L. Arnwine


Let debate of Obama’s ASU visit commence

How much is Mr. Obama’s visit going to cost Arizona State University in this time of rising tuitions and withering jobs?

Who is going to pay for that? What cost to ASU does that work out to be per hour of Mr. Obama’s time? I guess it would be like a date: Whoever asked would be expected to pay.

Whose idea was this? ASU should bill the feds the full cost plus a profit for Mr. Obama’s visit.


Sheiking off faith: Prez rejects Christian nation

President Obama, in his attempt to placate Muslims worldwide, has gone too far!

For many years, extremist Muslims have killed thousands of Americans through cowardly terrorist attacks.

Yet our president has just told them, in effect, that he is their BFF (best friend forever).

In spite of the fact that our country was founded along Christian principles and in spite of the fact that our money is inscribed with “in God we trust,” not “Allah we trust,” he has gone before the Muslims worldwide and stated that America is not a Christian nation.

Last weekend, many businesses were closed in observance of Easter, a Christian holiday.

Our local schools take extra days off in recognition of Easter, and when December comes around, schools, government offices and many private businesses will close down in observance of Christmas.

As time goes on, more and more disturbing things about this president come to light.

England had its Neville Chamberlain; it seems that now is our turn in the barrel.

Eugene Cole


Citizen Online Archive, 2006-2009

This archive contains all the stories that appeared on the Tucson Citizen's website from mid-2006 to June 1, 2009.

In 2010, a power surge fried a server that contained all of videos linked to dozens of stories in this archive. Also, a server that contained all of the databases for dozens of stories was accidentally erased, so all of those links are broken as well. However, all of the text and photos that accompanied some stories have been preserved.

For all of the stories that were archived by the Tucson Citizen newspaper's library in a digital archive between 1993 and 2009, go to Morgue Part 2

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