Al Gore testified before Congress on Earth Day about the need to save the planet from global warming. Democrats don’t have a monopoly on love for the planet. Every Earth Day, the Republicans used recycled water on the terror suspects at Guantanamo.
Mexico City residents donned surgical masks, trying to ward off swine flu as cases of the deadly strain surfaced in Texas, New York and California. Homeland Security’s on the job. Janet Napolitano just announced it entered the United States from Canada.
President Obama asked TV networks for free airtime for his Wednesday night press conference. It’s costly for networks to give him prime time during a rating sweeps period. He’s willing to meet the networks halfway and answer all questions barechested.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) went before cameras and denied ever being briefed in secret about CIA torture methods six years ago. It looks like we’ll never know. Thanks to Botox, you can’t tell if she’s lying, laughing or just lost a relative.
Argus Hamilton is host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. E-mail: argus@argushamilton.com