Tax enough to make renters hit the ceiling
Re: the April 22 article “City’s $1.3 billion budget includes tax on rentals, higher fees“:
I understand the city’s need for revenue, but this attempt to add a rental tax to the plethora of other taxes we are burdened with defeats their purpose in the long run.
More people are unemployed or underemployed now than in any other time in America’s history. Yet the powers that be, namely the government, sees fit to further burden the people.
Most of us are literally living hand to mouth and paycheck to paycheck. The rental tax will make it even more difficult to buy groceries, put fuel in our vehicles or buy the necessities that make life not only bearable, but possible.
The tax can make the difference between buying necessary medication or eating healthier food. Ramen noodles are cheap, but a person can’t live on them alone without dire consequences. I don’t care for fish, so catfood is out, but Alpo is looking better and better.
Smokers have been taxed to death, entertainment is out of most people’s budgets; forget vacations and family outings – who can afford the extra gas, much less the fees to get into state parks or other places to retreat from the stresses of everyday existence?
Let the people who rent off the hook. We can’t afford to own or maintain a home (even if we could get a mortgage!) Isn’t it enough that the apartment communities are raising rents to such a degree that too many people are having to resort to the streets?
As a proud American and longtime Arizonan, I say enough is enough. Let the government get its money elsewhere.
Susan Lamp
Flaw in order: Chief is TPD business as usual
A chief from within the Tucson Police Department means more of a grossly mismanaged Barney Fife-style agency.
TPD’s antics and behavior make the Keystone Kops look professional. You have “detectives” who don’t understand or choose to ignore power of attorney; others who don’t know or choose to ignore the difference between criminal and civil.
They say forgery (ARS 13-2002), a class 4 felony, is a civil matter despite having handwriting analysis done by the head of their crime lab, stating the signature is not that person’s or their writing.
It must be an attempt to cover up, as one of the two possible suspects is a TPD officer.
In a department with integrity, this allegation would be looked into. Apparently TPD sees no problem with potential felonious conduct on the part of one of its own.
You hear a lot about South Tucson PD; if a valid analysis were done, however, South Tucson would come out ahead on honesty, professionalism and integrity.
Some in the County Attorney’s Office will tell you TPD is notorious for not presenting cases that warrant prosecution.
The time has come for them to be held accountable. Their internal affairs unit is nothing more than a rubber stamp for misconduct. The police auditor has no investigative power.
What is needed is a civilian review board with power to review and investigate police misconduct and abuse.
Most reputable metro departments have some meaningful civilian review. Too many years of business as usual by TPD. They need to be held accountable and sanctioned for blatant disregard of what constitutes respectable standards by a law enforcement agency.
Michael “Mike” Edmond
retired police, California
retired Army reserves
4-H desensitizes babes to animal slaughter
I was struck by the April 22 photograph of a 10-year-old girl shaving her 4-H pig, with her hand resting lovingly on the animal at the Pima County Fair.
Apparently this little girl, like many children, was born with feelings of love and kindness toward animals.
The atrocious mission of 4-H is to stamp out all feelings of compassion in children, to brainwash them into thinking the patriotic thing to do is to sell their pet animals at the fair auction, after which the animals will have their throats cut.
The 4-H Club is a tool of the agriculture industry, using the animals – and the children – for its own selfish purpose, to ensure a steady supply of meat animals.
Jo Bricker
Organizers, volunteers built recipe for success
Re: the April 22 article by Tom Stauffer, “Teen Iron Chef competitors whip up creations in Tucson“:
Thank you for your coverage of the Teen Iron Chef Competition. We greatly enjoyed the article and the wonderful photos.
This event was a major undertaking that involved several individuals and organizations. First and foremost, fellow graduate students Monique Becerril and Kristin Hatch collaborated with me.
They spent countless hours and devoted their energy, expertise and enthusiasm to this endeavor. Sol Gomez and his team at the Sam Lena-South Tucson Branch Library were also instrumental partners who provided leadership and support.
Last but not least, the John Valenzuela Youth Center was a wonderful sponsor. They loved the idea from the start and graciously rallied their troops for us. Thanks again to the Tucson Citizen for your coverage, and to all the organizers and volunteers who made this event a success!
Jessica Hernandez