Although almost all of this week’s budget debate split along party lines (Republicans in favor, Democrats opposed), there was one island of tranquility where the warring parties put down their spears and united in a bipartisan rendition of “Kumbaya.”
Bringing us this moment of karmic come-togetherness is freshman Rep. Matt Heinz, D-Tucson. His idea is that the state should reduce by one year the length of time it holds unclaimed property. By doing so, the state could reap a one-time windfall of $40 million to $50 million, he estimates, because it could tap those unclaimed resources a year earlier.
“I know it’s a little gimmicky,” Heinz said in his best aw-shucks voice.
But members of the House Appropriations Committee liked it and adopted it as an amendment. Hey, that’s $40 million less in budget cuts, no small feat for a lawmaker, let alone a freshman.