“Eventually I think the human race will get to Mars.”
PETER SMITH, Mars expert and space scientist at the University of Arizona, predicting mankind will explore Mars
“The most important thing is making a decision and getting on with stuff.”
BOB WALKUP, Tucson mayor, in a discussion on expanding the Tucson Convention Center and building a hotel and garage
“We’re committed to concerts as recruiting and retention tools.”
CHRIS NAGATA, incoming UA student body president, after the Last Smash Platinum Bash concert in Arizona Stadium lost nearly $1 million for student government
“For now, we feel a little foolish, like we’ve been taken for a ride, frankly, a little outraged.”
GENE EINFRANK, a downtown-area resident and member of Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace who wants to ensure the Tucson Origins historic and cultural complex remains part of Rio Nuevo
“It’s just clear that we have an outstanding police department.”
KARIN UHLICH (right), of the Tucson City Council, after Roberto Villaseñor was promoted from assistant chief to chief of the Tucson Police Department
Number of the week
dollars that a former employee is accused of stealing from the Tucson Museum of Art