Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

McCain sorry for offensive Clinton joke

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

PHOENIX – Sen. John McCain apologized to President Clinton for a slurring ”joke” that struck at Hillary, Chelsea and Attorney General Janet Reno – and Clinton has accepted, a spokeswoman says.

Nancy Ives, press aide for the Arizona Republican, told The Arizona Republic yesterday the apology was made by letter. McCain ”feels terrible” about the comment that gave rise to the apology, she added.

Clinton spokesman Mike McCurry told the Republic the president accepted the apology as heartfelt.

”The president certainly understands how you get caught saying things you ordinarily wouldn’t have said,” McCurry said.

Neither Ives nor McCurry would release McCain’s letter, and Ives refused to repeat the joke that McCain, widely believed to be considering running for president in 2000, made Tuesday during a political fund-raiser.

”I don’t feel comfortable telling you,” Ives told the Republic.

However, the Republic said it was told by ”political sources” that it ”went something like this: Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”

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