Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Journalist earns award as lifesaver

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

MESA – National news organizations honored photographer Brad Armstrong with the 1999 Humanitarian Award for setting aside his camera in favor of saving a boy’s life.

Armstrong was on a July assignment last year in neighboring Chandler for The Tribune, a newspaper serving suburban Phoenix, when he saw a boy being dragged beneath a car, the boy’s bicycle scraping along the ground behind him.

Armstrong dropped his camera gear, ran to stop the driver, who was unaware the boy had been pulled beneath the car, and then helped lift the car to free the boy.

”It seems wrong to receive this award for saving a life,” Armstrong said. ”But I am deeply honored. Remembering the incident brought tears to my eyes.”

The actual presentation will be made during the NPPA convention this summer in Denver.

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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