Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Hereford shooter going to Sydney

The Associated Press

Adam Saathoff, 25, makes his second consecutive U.S. Olympic team.

The Associated Press

ATLANTA – Adam Saathoff of Hereford, Ariz., is heading back to the Olympics.

Saathoff, 25, qualified by winning the running target competition at the U.S. Shooting National Championships.

He finished with 2,378.2 points. Lance Dement of Phenix City, Ala., earned the other berth, finishing second with 2,350.9 points.

Saathoff, a Sierra Vista firefighter, competed in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta in running targets.

Also yesterday, Lance Bade finished second in the men’s double trap and earned his second berth on the U.S. shooting team at Sydney.

Bade, of Vancouver, Wash., won the men’s trap event Saturday Yesterday, he was one of the three shooters to qualify in double trap.

Glenn Eller of Houston won and Bill Keever, of Phenix City, Ala., took the third and final Olympic spot.

Kim Rhode, who won the U.S. Shooting Team’s only gold medal as a 16-year-old in the 1996 Atlanta Games, won the women’s double trap championship. The El Monte, Calif., resident has won the last four national titles.

Fellow 1996 Olympian Theresa DeWitt, of Smiths, Ala., earned the other spot.

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