Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Henry Bibby ejection puts Ballesteros out for 2 games; 2 other refs out 1 each

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES – Three officials who mistakenly ejected Southern Cal coach Henry Bibby from a recent basketball game were suspended yesterday.

The Pacific-10 Conference suspended Richie Ballesteros for two games and Jim Giron and Don McAllister one game each because of the wrong call.

The officials ejected Bibby in the second half of a Feb. 15 contest against Arizona State – only to call him back just four minutes later. USC beat ASU 80-68.

At the time, Bibby called it “the biggest travesty I’ve seen in basketball.”

“The officials improperly ejected a head coach from an important conference game because they misinterpreted the (technical foul) rules,” Pac-10 commissioner Tom Hansen said.

After a technical was called on USC assistant David Miller at the start of the second half, Ballesteros waved Bibby off the court.

Ballesteros had already called a technical on Bibby with 1:13 left in the first half. NCAA rules call for a head coach’s ejection if he has two technicals or if there are three on the bench. USC had only two.

On Dec. 9, Ballesteros made a goaltending call against Arizona in a 71-69 loss to Connecticut after UA’s Loren Woods blocked a shot with 1.8 seconds left. Replays seemed to show that the block was clean.

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