Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Snake bite kills Sierra Vista man

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

SIERRA VISTA – A Sierra Vista man died Sunday after he was bitten by a juvenile rattlesnake the night before.

Family and friends said Pat Hughes, 45, was bitten on the finger by a small snake Saturday evening. His wife, Nancy Hughes, took him to the Sierra Vista Regional Health Center, where he was treated with antivenom, but he died of complications associated with the bite.

“Due to patient confidentiality, we are unable to comment on the specifics. However, we are most saddened by the tragic death of Mr. Hughes and the loss to his family, friends and the community,” hospital spokeswoman Marie Wurth said.

Hughes is survived by his mother, a brother, his wife and two young children, family friend Pat Kambouris said.

Hughes became a fixture in the Sierra Vista area when he opened The Mesquite Tree restaurant in 1986.

He was a longtime member of the Greater Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors and served a term as the chamber’s president.

Hughes also established the Sierra Stampede Women’s Profession Rodeo in 1998.

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