Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Slain doctor’s car found in midtown

Citizen Staff Writer



Pima County Sheriff’s Department homicide detectives yesterday impounded the car belonging to a local doctor found slain Tuesday outside the medical plaza where he worked.

Detectives found Dr. David Brian Stidham’s 1992 white Lexus SC400 coupe about 8:45 p.m. Wednesday at an apartment complex near East Speedway and North Dodge Boulevards, sheriff’s spokeswoman Deputy Dawn Barkman said.

Detectives watched the car through the night and impounded it at midmorning yesterday, Barkman said.

About 12:30 p.m. yesterday detectives still were searching the car and questioning residents at the apartment complex, said Detective Sgt. Brad Foust, head of the homicide detail.

Detectives could not say whether the car, believed stolen after the 37-year-old pediatric ophthalmologist was killed, was left in the apartment lot by someone who lived there or nearby.

Police have no suspects or motive in the death and have not released a cause of death, Foust said.

A janitor found the doctor’s body in the parking lot of North First Medical Plaza, just south of East River Road, about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, Barkman said.

At the slaying scene, police found a Mitsubishi pickup stolen in Tucson on Monday, Barkman said.

Foust said detectives are not aware of anyone who would want to harm Stidham, and that they “can’t rule out wrong place, wrong time carjacking.”

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