Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Robinsons-May at El Con will become Macy’s

Citizen Staff Writer



Robinsons-May at El Con Mall will convert to a Macy’s on Sept. 10, store manager Wendy Kundrat says.

“The only big difference at the store is going to be the name change,” she said.

The store will buy from some of the same vendors and sell many of the same private-label brands of men’s and women’s clothing as before and will add others from the Macy’s line, she said.

No employees will be laid off, she said.

Also, the Macy’s at Tucson Mall will move during all of next week into the former Robinsons-May space at the southeast end of that mall, Kundrat said.

There is also a Macy’s at Park Place.

Federated Department Stores Inc., operator of Macy’s, took over the Robinsons-May stores in last year’s acquisition of May Department Stores.

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