Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Don’t rush into cuts to budget

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Republican legislative leaders suddenly want to race to slash the state budget before learning what federal emergency funds will be coming Arizona’s way.

These are the same legislators who wouldn’t bother to convene last fall to get a head start on addressing the state’s dire deficit situation.

Now they want the budget cuts to be set in stone by Feb. 1, although the size of the federal funds infusion should be known by mid-February.

Such haste would have been sensible before, when lawmakers had all available information. Now that they’re missing a critical piece of the puzzle, they want to sally forth.

Senate President Bob Burns, R-Peoria, warns: “We have to be very careful about what the federal government has to offer.”

Most Arizonans will be grateful for anything the government wants to offer – and our leaders should, too.

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