Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Schriro brought prison reform

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Arizona has lost another talented administrator to the Obama administration.

Dora Schriro has resigned as director of the Arizona Department of Corrections to join former Gov. Janet Napolitano at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Schriro will be a senior adviser to the deputy secretary of the agency headed by Napolitano.

Schriro has been in corrections for 25 years. She oversaw Missouri’s prisons before coming to Arizona in June 2003 to become the first woman to lead our Department of Corrections.

Schriro was an innovator. She installed the “parallel universe” program that teaches inmates how to lead productive lives on the outside, reducing their chances of return.

Under Schriro’s leadership, inmate assaults and suicides all decreased.

Dora Schriro brought needed reform to Arizona prisons. She will be missed. We wish her well.

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There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

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