Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Fuzzy elements put photo radar in doubt

Naturally the Citizen supports photo radar but not the tools for identifying those who seek to kill us and destroy our country. But I digress.

Photo radar is unconstitutional because it does not equally and objectively apply the laws in question.

The only way you receive a photo radar ticket is if you’re the owner of the vehicle, you were driving and the registration can be determined.

From Mexico? Not the owner of the vehicle? Unreadable plate? Registration not available? No ticket.

These and other reasons would be completely avoided if the ticket were legitimately issued by law enforcement, the only entity trained for and charged with enforcing our laws and the safety of our roadways. The camera company has no such responsibility or right.

Don’t want a ticket, don’t speed, you say? What will you say when technology allows GPS monitoring of your vehicle and a for-profit company automatically issues you a citation for each and every infraction from the moment you leave your home?

Why not immediately disable your vehicle until the fines are paid? Why not install DUI lock-outs in all vehicles so that in order to start your car you have to blow in a tube? Why should that bother you? After all, you don’t drink.

Former Gov. Janet Napolitano and local government heaped upon us the worst sort of Big Brother. This is about money, not about law enforcement; if it were, the enforcement component would truly be objective, comprehensive, consistent and constitutional.

Douglas Wright

2 states dialed in to Gitmo’s world

Because prison construction is one of the few remaining growth industries, it perplexes me why states do not vie for the privilege to build jails for the Guantanamo detainees.

Perhaps we should consider an auction of sites. We should restrict bids to states whose leaders raced to initiate and support the invasion of Iraq.

Two states leap to mind: Texas and Wyoming.

Holly Hilden


Green Valley

UA’s taking poison pill would benefit Banner

Re: the Jan. 22 article “Budget proposal would close UA’s poison control center”:

If the Legislature cuts the University of Arizona’s Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, the $1.275 million cut would be consolidated into $975,000 for Banner Poison Control Center in Phoenix.

Banner now receives $675,000 from the state and fields 105,000 calls – 35,000 more than the UA center’s 70,000 calls.

Your article cited the Banner center, yet Banner was not asked to comment. This letter provides our perspective.

Our Phoenix center does not refer patients to a Banner hospital unless it is the closest facility with emergency services.

In 2008, 24.6 percent of emergency callers went to a Banner hospital, and 75.4 percent went to non-Banner hospitals.

This contrasts with the fact that Banner treats more than 33 percent of all emergency cases in Maricopa County. These facts clearly demonstrate a poison center that is acting in a nonbiased manner.

The Phoenix hot line does not bill callers. It is a free service for which Banner Health receives state funding, grants and funding from Banner Health of nearly $1 million.

Like the UA center, Banner’s is an education center. We train physician toxicologists (in Arizona’s only such fellowship program), pharmacists, nurses and first responders such as firefighters.

The Banner center, certified by the American Association of Poison Control Centers, is staffed by licensed nurses who have passed the national certification examination for poison information specialists.

This is the model used by many poison centers, and our nurses take the same exam as pharmacists at the UA center.

In addition to our highly qualified nurses, the Banner center has 24/7 coverage by physician toxicologists.

While the two-center system has served Arizona well, there are significant cost differences. The taxpayer cost per call at the UA center is a little more than $18, and at Banner’s center the cost is $6.26.

Arizona is severely challenged to balance the budget and address a $1.6 billion deficit. Lawmakers understandably want to ensure that tax dollars are spent most efficiently.

For $300,000 less than the money the state provides the university to cover 40 percent of the Arizona, Banner will be able to provide this invaluable service across the state. Our record of efficient and high-quality service supports this position.

Bill Byron

public relations

Banner Health

Sports fan cries foul over county practice

I am appalled that county employees are allowed to use county cars over the weekend.

In this time of deficits, we need to tighten our belts and draw lines of distinction between work-related and personal use of vehicles.

I hate to think we are corrupt like the Chinese and Russians.

It is important to play fairly in all aspects of our lives.

Winning really isn’t everything, in spite of the way we feel about it when it comes to sporting contests.

I have always been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, and now I get to live in Arizona, making Sunday a no-lose situation for my ego gratification.

Cletis Harry Beegle

Letters to the Editor

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