Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Water dept. budget on council’s agenda

Citizen Staff Writer



The City Council will discuss changes to Tucson Water’s budget Tuesday that will help the department make up an estimated $6.5 million budget gap.

Tucson Water has already trimmed $8.9 million from its budget to make up for a decrease in water sales and a drop in new water connections.

Two strategies for making up the remaining shortfall are reducing the city’s allocation from the Central Arizona Project by about 50,000 acre-feet and deferring payment on some of the department’s debt.

Tucson Water does not rely on sales tax revenues and operates independently of the city budget, using proceeds from water sales.

The council will discuss the two strategies during the study session portion of its meeting Tuesday before voting on changing the Tucson Water budget that evening during its regular session meeting.


What: Tucson City Council Meeting

Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 255 W. Alameda St.

When: Tuesday. Study session begins at 2 p.m., regular session begins at 5:30 p.m.

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