Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Midtown mobile home arson causes $40K of damage

Citizen Staff Writer



A fire that was intentionally set caused about $40,000 of damage to a midtown mobile home early Friday, a Tucson Fire Department spokeswoman said.

No one was injured, TFD’s Trish Tracy said. The man who lives at the home had left for work.

The fire broke out around 4:45 a.m. in the 500 block of East Mohave Street, near East Prince Road and North First Avenue.

The fire was under control within eight minutes, she said.

Tracy advised everyone to report fires to 911, even those that appear to have been extinguished.

“Firefighters will investigate to ensure the fire is completely out and has not made its way into hidden areas such as walls and ceilings,” she said.

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