Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Job fair Sat. has 1,000 Homeland Security slots

Citizen Staff Writer



The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has more than 1,000 jobs open in Arizona.

A job fair here Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarters will allow applicants to fill out paperwork and talk with Homeland Security workers about the openings.

The event will take place at 2430 S. Swan Road.

Bonnie Arellano, spokeswoman for CBP in Arizona, said Friday up to 2,500 jobs could be filled in the state as part of a national recruitment effort by the agency: CBP National Career Day.

“Doors are open. Come a knockin’,” she said.

The openings are for port of entry inspection officers, agriculture specialists who inspect produce shipments, Border Patrol agents, human resources workers, mechanics and other support jobs, Arellano said.

Among the jobs available in southern Arizona, and their annual salaries:

• Mission support specialist, Tucson, $30,772.

• Import specialist, Nogales, $30,772.

• Supervisory information technology specialist, Tucson, $70,615.

For details on CBP’s mission, go to www.cbp.gov.

To look for CBP openings, go to www.usajobs.gov and enter “CBP” in a keyword search.

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