Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

High-speed chase ends in crash

Citizen Staff Writer



A woman who police say led them on a high-speed chase that ended in a car crash has been ordered held in the Pima County Jail in lieu of $2,500 bail on eight charges, authorities said.

Joselyn Ann Andrews, 42, of the 3200 block of East Seneca Street, was booked into the jail on two counts of aggravated assault, one of criminal damage, one of unlawful flight from law enforcement officers and four counts of endangerment, said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a Tucson police spokesman.

She was booked late Friday after she was treated at a local hospital for injuries sustained in the crash.

A 27-year-old man and his 7-year-old daughter whose car she collided with sustained minor injuries in the crash, Pacheco said. They did not need hospitalization, Pacheco said.

He said the chase started after a woman went to an am/pm market in the 800 block of West Speedway Boulevard and threatened a manager and a clerk, Pacheco said.

Police were called, and when they tried to talk to the woman, she fled in an Infiniti SUV, going through the downtown area at speeds of about 20 mph, Pacheco said.

As she left the downtown area, however, she picked up speed until she was going between 50 and 60 mph, Pacheco said.

At one point an officer tried tapping the rear of her car with his patrol car in what is called a pursuit intervention technique, or PIT maneuver, that is designed to send a fleeing motorist’s vehicle into a spin that stalls the vehicle, but it did not work, Pacheco said.

The woman continued driving, ending up heading south on North Forgeus Avenue, Pacheco said.

Pacheco said the 27-year-old man and his daughter had just left their home a few blocks away and were heading west on East Copper Street in a 1999 Honda Accord, when the man spotted the woman speeding toward the intersection, Pacheco said.

The man hit his brakes, but could not avoid a collision. He avoided a more serious crash by hitting the brakes, Pacheco said.

The crash sent the man’s car into a spin and the woman’s SUV overturned in the intersection, Pacheco said.

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