Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Shock for Super Bowl fans: Porn clip follows Cards TD

Citizen Staff Report

Citizen Staff Report

Right after wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald scored a dramatic touchdown for the Arizona Cardinals, some Comcast cable TV customers saw a brief porn clip.

“We were like in shock,” said Cardinals fan Alice Soto, 53, who was watching the game with her 11-year-old daughter and 80-year-old mother.

She said the clip was of a man and woman on a sofa. The man unzipped his pants, revealing his genitals.

The clip lasted 5 or 10 seconds, Soto said.

Comcast spokeswoman Tracy Baumgartner confirmed in an Associated Press report that the company’s standard feed – but not its high definition one – was interrupted during the Super Bowl. She said engineers were investigating Sunday night.

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