Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Bone’ sound not all that new



Tucson Citizen

QI am afraid that I will have to disagree with you that few devices have been made that use the bone conduction method of transmitting sound to the hearer.

For many years, hearing aids have been in use that use this method of transmitting sound. Many people have hearing defects that do not allow normal sound transmission through the ear canal but they can hear through bone transmission.

In many deaf people, this transmission only allowed them to detect the presence of sound. That sound was clarified by reading lips. But it was an improvement over no sound at all.

The devices that are being marketed are simply modifications of technology that has been around for about 50 years.

Herb H.

A: You are correct that the technology has been around for years.

Devices such as bone-anchored hearing aids have served to improve the life of those with hearing loss. However, I was referring to the use of bone conduction technology in a commercial or entertainment capacity. Thank you, Herb. I know that I can always count you guys/gals to keep me honest.

Q: When I receive e-mails from a certain friend, below his message there is always “A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!” The link takes you to a full-page ad asking you to become a member, pay some money and get a credit report. The related address is “freecreditreport.com.” The unwanted message appears whether he originates an e-mail or forwards an e-mail. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it?

J. Payson

A: It doesn’t sound as though the problem is with your system or e-mail account. If you only have this issue from this certain friend, then your friend is the one with the problem. There are three very easy remedies.

The first is to block all e-mail from this friend, but it sounds like you don’t have a problem with the content of his e-mail, only the unsolicited post scripts. It sounds like there may be some type of adware at play here, so it might not be a bad idea to suggest to him to perform an online virus/adware scan.

The last option would be to have your friend open another e-mail account with Google, Yahoo, MSN or any other online e-mail service. It may not be a bad idea to suggest that if he does open up a new e-mail account, to do it from a different computer than the one he generally e-mails you from.

Last but not least, I would discourage opening any more similar links.

Quincey Hobbs is a team member at the University of Arizona’s Center for Computing and Information Technology and an instructor at Pima Community College. Send questions to quinceyresponds@yahoo.com.

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