Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Budinger wins Pac-10 weekly salute

Citizen Staff Writer



Arizona’s Chase Budinger was named the Pacific-10 Conference basketball player of the week Monday.

The junior forward led Arizona to a sweep of the Washington schools last week, averaging 22.0 points, 9.5 rebounds and 5.5 assists.

In the two games, he shot .387 (12 of 31) from the field, .333 from 3-point range (5 of 15) and .833 from the line (15 of 18), while playing 76 total minutes with 11 assists and no turnovers.

Budinger is the third Arizona basketball player to earn Pac-10 player of the week honors this season, joining Jordan Hill (Dec. 15) and Jamelle Horne (Dec. 29).

It is the second time Budinger has earned the distinction in his career, and the 74th all-time award for an Arizona player.

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