Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Collision kills Tucson woman, 55

Citizen Staff Writer



An investigation continues into a collision that killed a 55-year-old Tucson woman.

Adela M. Jacobo died after a car driven by a 64-year-old man crossed into her travel lane and collided with her Jeep Wrangler, said Officer Charles Rydzak, a Tucson police spokesman.

Jacobo, of the 5700 block of East 35th Street, was driving south on North First Avenue at East Holoway Road about 6:30 Monday p.m. when the northbound Ford Focus collided with her, Rydzak said.

Jacobo was taken to a hospital where she died Monday night, Rydzak said.

The driver of the other vehicle also was taken to a hospital where he was listed Tuesday as in serious condition, Rydzak said.

Rydzak said he would not name that other driver as no citations have been issued, pending completion of the investigation.

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