Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Builders’ Alliance seeks a nonprofit to help

Citizen Staff Writer



The Arizona Builders’ Alliance, a trade association of commercial builders, is seeking applications from local nonprofits for free renovation services.

One nonprofit will be chosen.

In 2008, the association provided $200,000 in materials and labor to Vida Nueva, a residential treatment center for women operated by Compass Behavioral Heath Care.

Vida Nueva residents got new flooring, a playhouse, kitchen cabinets and new bathroom sinks and vanities, along with an electronic security gate, among other improvements. All materials and labor were donated by association members.

To apply to be the 2009 recipient of the alliance’s charity renovation, nonprofits should send a letter describing their need to alliance director David Pittman at 1661 N. Swan Road, Suite 144, Tucson, AZ 85712.

The deadline is Feb. 20. For more details, call 881-7930.

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