Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

City’s interim finance chief quits; replaced by Hein aide

Citizen Staff Writer



In the middle of talks about how to cut about $80 million from next fiscal year’s budget, the city’s Finance Department is again without a permanent leader.

Finance Director Frank Abeyta submitted a letter of resignation Jan. 30.

His resignation was effective that day. Abeyta did not specify a reason for leaving but thanked Deputy City Manager Mike Letcher and the City Council for their support.

Abeyta had led the Finance Department for four months, half that time in an interim capacity.

In the meantime, Letcher has appointed Assistant to the City Manager Marie Nemerguth to oversee next fiscal year’s budget.

Nemerguth has a master’s in business administration and is a certified public accountant, Letcher said. She spent five years in the city’s budget department.

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