Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Reader urges Citizen: Endeavor to persevere

Thanks to Jim Williams (Monday letter, “Loss will only be felt when Citizen is gone”).

Sure hope not. I personally love the paper. Hang in!


Anagram ‘scam doter’ befitting ‘Democrats’

Now I know why Democrats are quick to vote for higher taxes. They don’t intend to pay them!

Tom Daschle has stiffed the government for more than $100,000. He makes the Treasury secretary look like a piker at $35,000 of unpaid taxes.

I guess the new spelling of Democrat is “tax cheat.” Doesn’t the Obama administration check out its nominees?

Carolyn Cox

Ed plan would take us back to very basics

I have a plan for our “let’s starve education” Legislature. Instead of slowly strangling the state’s education system, why not go whole-hog and just cut all funding for education?

Close the universities (they are all commies anyway) and all other schools that depend on state funding. That way, they can balance the budget and build more jails.

They can then stop funding medical and social programs, state police and highway maintenance. That way, the only funds needed will be for their salaries, and hopefully, they will all go back to their caves and stay there, since they will be no longer needed.

Werner Zimmt

World War II veteran

How many times does math take a back seat?

Learning multiplication tables is a “fact of life” (or once was). Good for the young man pictured in the Jan. 28 Citizen moving his dirt bike up “A” Mountain as he participates in an “incentive program” at Naylor Middle School.

That is a problem. He is in middle school working on a third-grade task.

In the same section of the Citizen is a third-grade student drawing a picture of her pet cat.

There are only so many hours in the school day. I hope she has learned at least half of her multiplication tables.

M.J. Payette

retired teacher

School-donation credit eases taxing burden

Re: your Jan. 29 editorial “Cut extras in tax credits to fund basic school needs”:

Your opinion that Arizona’s school tax credit program should be suspended is myopic and just plain wrongheaded.

Education is funded by property taxes; the tax credit applies to income tax. Direct donations of funds to schools are the most efficient application of “tax dollars,” as they bypass the bureaucratic expense of government.

Without private schools, which depend on funds from this credit, the cost of education would fall to the public sector.

The public schools system would have to be expanded to accommodate increased enrollment while private schools would be underutilized, despite their superior education and more efficient cost.

So where are savings? I guess we should be thankful that editors and editorialists writing this opinion work for the Citizen. Too many with your faulty logic have already been elected to Congress!

Ken Friedman

A bit of give and take goes into tax equation

The Citizen needs to distinguish between the different school tax credits available to Arizona taxpayers.

The public-school credit does, in fact, reduce the pool of revenue for state K-12 spending.

The private school tax credit actually saves money for our state and local governments.

Each public school student costs more than $8,000 total per year. But the average private scholarship is $3,000 to $5,000.

If the government gives up $5,000 in revenue when five couples use the scholarship credit, and if the government saves $8,000 when a child uses a $5,000 scholarship to go to private school, the government has saved $3,000. (Best of all, that child improves chances of getting a high-quality education.)

If anything, the budget deficit is a reason to expand the tax credit.

Tom Jenney

Arizona director

Americans for Prosperity

Bring the money home, not to House

Re: the Jan. 31 editorial (“Guidelines needed for state’s use of stimulus funds”):

Whoa, who in the world believes all wisdom resides in our elected, professional politicians? Can a few in Washington really make better decisions than the people who pay taxes?

If they are so smart, how can you explain the $56 trillion in unfunded liabilities for congressionally established entitlement programs?

We are drowning in debt and they propose another trillion and you think they are smart!

Rebate taxes paid last year, spread the spending decisions among millions, let them decide what suits them the best. The state will benefit from higher tax receipts.

Can’t take that? Provide 4 percent home loans for qualified buyers and clear the housing market of overhang.

By all means add some billions to help people unemployed needing a hand up – but don’t call it stimulus.

The wisdom of our House representatives is less than stellar.

Monty Brown

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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