Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Up to 33 area HS grid stars to sign letters

Citizen Staff Writer



College football’s signing day has become somewhat of a national holiday for recruiting junkies.

And for Tucson-area high school football fans, Wednesday’s signing day will be as good a celebration as any in recent memory.

Three area players are expected to sign letters of intent to play for Arizona’s two Pac-10 Conference schools, and an expected 25 to 30 others will put pen to paper, accepting scholarships to numerous other programs around the country.

The headliners are Palo Verde’s Adam Hall and Ironwood Ridge’s Jake Fischer, players who plan to make official their commitments to coach Mike Stoops at the University of Arizona during 9 a.m. news conferences at their respective schools.

Santa Rita wide receiver J.J. Holliday, at a 9 a.m. ceremony at his school, will sign with Arizona State University.

Maybe more impressive is the signing class Pima Community College is expected to ink under new coach Pat Nugent.

The former Canyon del Oro coach will likely receive letters of intent Wednesday from at least 20 southern Arizona stars whose names were all over several postseason all-star lists.

College coaches are not allowed to comment on potential recruits until letters of intent are signed.

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