Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Who put porn in Super Bowl telecast remains mystery

Citizen Staff Writer



Comcast’s inadvertent local broadcast of 30 seconds of pornography during the Super Bowl on Sunday made headlines around the world:

“Sports fans in Arizona got a surprise when their TV coverage of American football’s Super Bowl was interrupted by a pornographic film,” says a news post on the British Broadcasting Company’s Web site.

The company’s corporate affairs manager in Tucson, Kelle Maslyn, said Wednesday the cable company has yet to find the perpetrator or perpetrators.

She called the incident an “isolated malicious act” and said leads will be pursued “until we come to a resolution.”

Maslyn said anyone who wants to comment on the incident can use the company’s new e-mail address set up to handle complaints about about the porn feed: tucsonfeedback@comcast.net

Only those not watching the broadcast in high definition got the porn feed, which featured full-frontal male nudity. Customers who saw the porn clip near the end of the game can request a $10 credit from Comcast by calling 888-315-8219. Maslyn said the company has no way to verify if a customer actually saw the clip, however.

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