Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

V-day dance showcase will get your heart pumping

Citizen Staff Writer
Cover story



What better time than Valentine’s Day for a ZUZI! Dance Company “No Frills Dance Happenin’: Gotta Have HeART!”

Performers from Tucson and southern Arizona are gathering to share their innovative works through a wide range of dance styles. In fact, some are still works in progress. As is tradition, the Friday program is the Adult Choreographers Showcase and Saturday is Youth Night.

On tap for Friday’s Dance Happenin’ for independent local artists is The Human Project, Mirasol, Movement Salon, Elizabeth Breck, Carie Schneider and dance projects by students from the University of Arizona.

The dance company also will showcase a piece titled “The Western Desert,” which is part of the rock opera “Like A Lotus Resting in the Fire” now being prepared for a world premiere May 15. This is the first time in six years that ZUZI! has previewed a work in progress.

Youth Night is a showcase of energetic participants, including a hip-hop club from University High School, El Graves from the Human Project, Acro Yoga, belly dancing, the Utterback Middle School dance team, ZUZI’s Many Limbs youth aerial company and modern dance choreography performed by members of the company.


What: ZUZI! Dance Company presents its “No Frills Happenin’: Gotta Have HeART!”

When: 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday

Where: ZUZI! Theatre in the Historic Y, 738 N. Fifth Ave.

Price: $10 general admission

Info: 629-0237, zuzimoveit.org

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