Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Robinson in line for coaching award

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog

Steve Rivera

Oregon State coach Craig Robinson, 46, could very well be the conference coach of the year in his first season in the Pac-10.

Oregon State hosts Arizona on Thursday night.

Former UA assistant coach Jim Rosborough recalled that Robinson was a standout athlete at Chicago’s Mount Carmel High School. Rosborough was an assistant at Iowa – under former UA coach Lute Olson – at the time in the late 1970s.

“We saw him three to five times,” Rosborough said. “We never did have him in for an official visit, but we looked at him seriously.’

“I saw him enough times and asked one of Robinson’s assistants if (Robinson) remembered who I was, and he knew.

“I’m not sure if we had him out for a basketball camp or not, but we had a lot of Chicago kids come out. But I did recruit him. He was a good player.”

Robinson eventually attended Princeton, turning down Washington, which offered him a scholarship.

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