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Just Because: ‘Dancing with the Stars’ – our picks

Citizen Staff Writer

This week’s question: Cindy McCain was mentioned as a possible candidate for “Dancing with the Stars.” Which celeb or politician would you like to see as a competitor on the new season and why?

Book reviewer Larry Cox

Without a doubt, my pick would be former Gov. Blago from Illinois who has proved in recent weeks that he can out step and out flank even the pros. The way (Rod Blagojevich) danced around the issues is a true wonder to watch. That hair is a plus, too.

Events coordinator Elsa Nidia Barrett

MC Hammer! Can you just imagine the dance moves? Plus winning this competition would be a great addition to his résumé: rapper, preacher, Internet business entrepreneur, actor and winner of “Dancing with the Stars.” And no matter how bad the judges criticize him, we all know the Hammer is “Too Legit to Quit.”

Calendar editor Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

I bet you that Queen of the BBWs, Mo’Nique, can bust a move. (Do people still say that?) The saucy comedian would get out there and proudly represent the big girls of the world.

Calendar designer Kristina Dunham

I’ve always thought Freddie Prinze Jr. should be a contestant on the show merely because I would love to watch him dance. The more I think about it though, I think it would be interesting to have Freddie and his wife, Sarah Michelle Gellar, join the show so they could compete against each other.

Metromix editor Polly Higgins

I’d like to see “Dancing with the Convicted Stars,” with O.J. Simpson tripping the light fantastic in his orange jumpsuit. (The athletes always do so well.) Of course, we have lots of options, but the cast could be filled out with Robert Downey Jr., Paris Hilton, Tommy Lee, Michelle Rodriguez, Martha Stewart, Bobby Brown, Keifer Sutherland and Boy George.

Reader Rachel Ingegneri

I am an avid fan of “Dancing with the Stars” and would like to see Donny Osmond on the show. His sister, Marie, took her turn. Let’s see if Donny can measure up!


Which song by one of your favorite performers is an undiscovered gem, and why?

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