Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Arizona beats Oregon State in basketball


Hill needs to rebound

Wow, Jordan Hill had one of his worst games under the boards tonight. Thank goodness it was in a WIN. He only had five rebounds, plus he turned the ball over four times. He was laying back and not crashing the boards plus he couldn’t handle passes to him under the boards. Hope he wasn’t hurting. We sure needed his 13 points, though. OK, it’s out of his system. He will give us a double-double against the Ducks.


• The CATS are always one-and-done on the offense. Why do they not crash the boards when someone shoots the ball. That is the reason this game was close. Defense does not mean ignore rebounding on the offensive boards!


Re: UA football recruiting

• The Pac-10 is tough. Stoops and staff did a great job these past few years recruiting kids with a chip on their shoulder and a desire to learn and execute. I love the job they’re doing! Welcome to all of our new, young Wildcats, get ready to become men! Now we need to get going on the remodeling of the stadium and add top-level facilities that will encourage more talented players to enroll. GO CATS!


• Like last year, we recruited for specific needs, and filled every one of them.

“Stars” don’t mean much, and Arizona coaches have a great eye for talent, a la Cason, Thomas, Tuitama and a whole host of kids.


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