Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA law school grad is new State Bar CEO

Citizen Staff Writer



A former U.S. government official who obtained his law degree from the University of Arizona began work this week as the State Bar of Arizona’s chief executive officer and executive director.

The job is the top staff position of the State Bar and its holder reports to the board of directors.

John F. Phelps was previously chief of staff of the U.S. General Services Administration in Washington, D.C., chief of the Office of Emergency Response and Recovery and acting administrator of the GSA’s National Capital Region.

Phelps also served as chief operating officer of the Grand Canyon Chapter of the American Red Cross in Phoenix and deputy director of the Arizona Office of Homeland Security in the Governor’s Office.

He was in the Army and retired as a colonel in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps in 2003.

He has master’s degrees from JAG’s Legal Center and School and the University of Virginia School of Law.

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