Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Students: Man flashed us

Citizen Staff Writer



Three students who reported a man masturbating in a car near an elementary school Wednesday were savvy enough to remember the license plate, the Flowing Wells School District superintendent said Friday.

The girls told administrators at Homer Davis Elementary School, 4250 N. Romero Road, that a man driving a dark blue, four-door Audi opened the car door, exposing himself, Principal Brett K. Bonner wrote in a letter mailed to students’ parents.

“They reported it really quickly,” Flowing Wells Superintendent Nicholas I. Clement said. “We generally find that in these cases.”

Homer Davis staffers then called the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, he said.

Spokeswoman Deputy Dawn Barkman said deputies were investigating. No arrests had been made as of 10 a.m. Friday.

The letter administrators sent to students’ homes reminded parents to talk with their children about “stranger danger” and remembering information about suspicious strangers.

Clement said reports about cars raising suspicion are not uncommon, but this incident stood out for its sexual content.

“We’ve not had a report like this this year or last.”

Students praised for reporting license plate number of flasher at school

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