Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Poster contest aimed at boosting graduation

Citizen Staff Writer

Three local students – one each in elementary, middle and high school – will have a chance to win $100 in a poster contest this month.

The Goal One: Graduate! contest is sponsored by the Metropolitan Education Commission and the Youth Council/Tucson Teen Congress, according to a city news release.

Posters must include the words Goal One: Graduate! or ¡Meta Numero Uno: Graduar!, produced on paper a minimum of 11 by 17 inches and a maximum of 14 by18 inches. Any medium may be used.

Prizes will be awarded May 6 at the 19th annual Crystal Apple Awards luncheon at the Tucson Convention Center.

For more information or to get an entry form, call the commission at 670-0055 or e-mail metcom@theriver.com. All entries must be received by 4 p.m. Feb. 27 at the commission office, 10 E. Broadway, Suite 10, Tucson, 85701-1715.



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