Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Another storm system coming for the weekend

Citizen Staff Writer



Snow fell, didn’t stick Tuesday

Snow? In Tucson?

Though some desert dwellers saw snow in their yards Tuesday morning, it wasn’t lasting long, according to the National Weather Service.

A winter storm warning, in effect Tuesday morning for the Tucson metro area, states snow may fall to the 2,500-foot level in the morning, rising to the 4,000 level by afternoon. Tucson’s elevation is about 2,500 feet.

Meteorologist Gary Zell said one to two inches of snow fell Tuesday morning in spots around town, but it was melting about as fast as it fell. Some may have accumulated on car tops and grassy areas, he said.

Motorists should be cautious as roads likely will be wet and slick.

The Mount Lemmon Highway was closed to everyone, including residents and employees, at the base because of heavy snow and ice on the road.

Blustery, wet, winter weather will continue through Monday. Chance of rain has dropped to a percent for the rest of Tuesday Zell said.

While some sunshine is expected to poke through clouds Wednesday and Thursday, another low pressure system is expected to move in by the weekend, bringing more cold weather and a 30 percent chance of rain then, Zell said.

The storm this past weekend brought 6 to 8 inches of snow to Mount Lemmon, he said.

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