Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Guided tours include two S. Arizona ruins

Citizen Staff Writer



Tours to the ruins of Calabazas and Guevavi missions, near Tumacácori National Historical Park, will be offered Tuesday and again in March and April.

Tuesday’s guided tour will leave the Tumacácori Visitor Center parking lot, 1891 E. Frontage Road, at 10 a.m. and return at 3:30 p.m. Take Interstate 19 to the Tumacácori exit, then go left under the freeway to the frontage road.

Participants are urged to bring a lunch and water, wear appropriate footwear for a hike, and bring a hat.

To make a reservation, call 520-398-2655. For information about other tours, call the national park at 520-398-2341.

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