Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Jewish group seeking donations for needy

Citizen Staff Writer

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is creating an emergency assistance fund to help people here with food, clothing, housing and utility payments in the economic downturn.

Jewish Family & Children’s Service, a nonsectarian federation social service agencies, “has seen a dramatic rise in requests for help from families who are facing eviction and people who are in danger of having their heat turned off,” said federation president Shira Ledman.

Contributions to the fund are being sought from the community.

A “generous federation donor” will match contributions up to a total of $25,000, according to Stuart Mellan, president of the federation, in an announcement sent to potential donors.

Donations are tax deductible. For more information, call federation offices at 577-9393.



Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona creates emergency assistance fund

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