Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

ACORN’s Town Hall to discuss foreclosures

Citizen Staff Writer

Local ACORN members will host a Town Hall on the mortgage foreclosure crisis on Thursday.

District 2 Pima County Supervisor Ramón Valadez is expected to attend the meeting and hear local residents talk about their own mortgage foreclosure difficulties.

The event, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., will be at the Columbus Library, 4350 E. 22nd St.

ACORN is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a nationwide network of political activists.

In Washington on Tuesday, ACORN members interrupted a public auction of foreclosed homes and were moved out onto the sidewalk. ACORN chapters are pushing to get local governments to stop those carrying out eviction orders on individuals who have defaulted on their mortgages.

For more information, call ACORN’s Tucson office at 623-9389.



ACORN members host Town Hall on mortgage crisis

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