Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

2 hurt when drum explodes during do-it-yourself project

Citizen Staff Writer



Two men cutting a 55-gallon drum in half to make a barbecue were injured Wednesday afternoon when the drum exploded, South Tucson police said.

The drum had contained kerosene. The men were using an electric cutter to split the drum outside a residence in the 1600 block of South Seventh Avenue in South Tucson, police said.

Kerosene vapors inside the drum apparently ignited and the drum exploded.

They were taken by Rural/Metro Fire Department medics to University Medical Center.

One of the men suffered a serious leg injury. The injury to the other man could not be immediately determined.

The explosion did not cause a fire.

The men were not publicly identified by South Tucson authorities.

Kerosene drum explosion injures two men

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