Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Driver rear-ends stopped car, dies

Citizen Staff Writer



A driver was killed Tuesday when his vehicle rear-ended a U.S. Border Patrol agent’s car slowing for horses near a roadway on open range of the Tohono O’odham Nation.

Border Patrol spokeswoman Dove Crawford did not release names of the dead man and the agent Wednesday.

Crawford said the agent – heading south on federal Route 19 while taking an illegal entrant suspect to a federal processing center near Sells – was struck when he slowed for the horses.

He and his passenger sustained minor injuries. They were treated at a hospital and released. The suspect’s name was not disclosed.

The driver whose vehicle collided with the patrol car was found dead at the scene, Crawford said. Tohono O’odham police are investigating the fatality. Authorities could not be reached Wednesday for further details.

Driver dies when vehicle rear-ends stopped Border Patrol car

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