Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Conservatives prefer propaganda to news

I have read all the letters of the upset conservatives over a perceived liberal slant to the Tucson Citizen. I turned to the Tucson Citizen from the Star because I found the Star’s reporting to have a strong conservative slant.

I feel that print media should tell the truth and work for the people. If the conservatives want to hear the conservative mantra, they should listen to talk radio, which is filled with conservative fiction.

Keep up the good work, Tucson Citizen. Keep working toward fairness, equality and honesty.

Jon Gettel

nonprofit director

Thanks for caring about kids’ well-being

Re your Tuesday editorial “Az child care subsidy cuts to aid budget will hurt kids” and your notation, “Working parents who can’t afford child care sometimes put their kids in jeopardy – a risk Arizona can’t afford to encourage”:

I’m so glad that this is growing in importance in our community. Through subsidizing child care, our public schools will grow stronger, and the children will be in safe hands.

By improving their education, and thus quality of life during these young years, their entire lives will be changed and Arizona will prosper.

Thank you for caring about the little ones.

Angela Bennett-Castle

Pearce representation is figuratively speaking

(Wednesday), when I sat down to have my morning coffee, a special treat awaited.

I grabbed my first newspaper of the day and found myself face to face with Russell Pearce. Nothing says good morning like seeing his sly grin staring back at you from the paper.

It was “His Turn” (in The Arizona Republic). Nothing he offered was new or newsworthy. He spouted the same Republican talking points we have heard for 30 years. The same bad policies that led ultimately to this very economic crisis.

In short, cuts are really our only option, and increased taxes will result in less revenue and throw the economy into a depression.

Now, in Pearce’s world, you need to understand that up is down, right is left, and the destruction of the public school system is really the salvation of the public school system. So once again – nothing new or truly newsworthy.

He wrote about the limited options that faced the legislators, revealing only his limited ability to think creatively. He opined by stating that he welcomes public input – while only weeks ago he said there would be no open meetings on the budget because they already occurred last year.

In addition, he labeled the thousands of Arizonans who contacted the legislature as whiners.

While public surveys reveal that the citizens want public education spending protected, Russell and his crew of East Valley Republican ideologues (Cecil Ash, Steve Court, Kirk Adams and Rich Crandall, etc.) continually turn a blind eye to their constituents. Perhaps some recall petitions would improve their vision.

While (the) paper is technically correct that Pearce represents District 18, he does not represent me or the other 18,890 people who voted against him.

I wonder how many of the 24,232 people who voted for him would welcome the opportunity to cast a new ballot?

It is time for bold action. It is time to take back the state legislature for the good of our citizens and the future of our state.

Michael Conway


Very precious gift carries $5,000 price tag

To eliminate abortions, these clinics should be shut down and these doctors seek other medical practices.

Abortions should be done only in cases of rape, incest or where the mother’s life is threatened, and it should be done by a licensed gynecologist.

The government should not provide any funding unless in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger.

If a female wants an abortion on her own free will, she should have to pay $5,000 minimum.

Life is a very precious gift of God, and we have to respect it. We have to protect the unborn.


Fuming over smoking ban, child care subsidy

One year after voters passed the smoking ban, it was reported it did no harm to business.

Two years later, revenues are down and businesses did suffer. I’m a business owner. It hurt then, and it still does.

Providing $200 million for 45,000 families’ child care this year seems like a lot of money.

When my mom worked, we had sitters and my folks paid. Now we all pay for all child care for these people to work.

Is it me, or should people who choose to have children be the ones who pay for the choices they make, like my folks did?

I see a real disconnect caused in rational thinking since the women’s movement.

Babies are not deliberately born and always wanted; children are not being raised by someone who has a vested interest in them and their education.

They are consequently running wild, without conscience, and a danger to society.

The least I would do – if I was a party to the result of what the “leaders” of today and members of the women’s movement have wrought – would be to admit error and work diligently to find and implement lasting solutions; even if it now means personal responsibility and exacting tangible results.

Susan Compton

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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