Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA dance team offers hip-hop class Sunday

Citizen Staff Writer

Get moving on Valentine’s Day weekend with a hip hop class from members of the local Black and Blue Hip Hop Crew.

The University of Arizona’s hip-hop dance team will teach a class from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Studio 16 in the Ina Gittings building, 1713 E. University Blvd.

“It’s a perfect opportunity for anyone interested in dance, especially hip-hop,” said Alison Burnette, president and co-founder of Black and Blue. “Everyone that attends always leaves feeling great and it’s a fun way to meet new people.”

The class is offered once a month for dancers of all levels.

There is a $10 fee per dancer, but free for those who bring two people paying the fee.

For additional information and to RSVP, send an e-mail to BlackandBlueHipHopCrew@gmail.com.



Hip-hop class Sunday at UA

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